What is an Interlibrary Loan?
An interlibrary loan allows the library to borrow a book that we don’t have from another library system in BC or elsewhere. Then we lend the book to you.
What is available through Interlibrary Loan?
Books and journal articles are available through this service. New for 2018, audiobooks are now also available through Interlibrary Loan.
What is not available through Interlibrary Loan?
- Items we already have at SSIPL (unless a book club needs multiple copies).
- Books published in the last 12 months.
- DVDs, compact discs, videotapes, and other audio-visual and multimedia items.
- eBooks and eAudiobooks. Check out our online databases to download eBooks and eAudiobooks.
- Whole issues of magazines.
Who can use this service?
Patrons with a valid SSIPL card can request items by Interlibrary Loan.
Do I have to pay for Interlibrary Loan?
Interlibrary loans are free from libraries within the province to borrowers, but there are varying charges if loans are from Universities or from out of province. Late fees for ILL books are 50 cents/day.
How do I request an Interlibrary Loan?
Please be sure to submit your request from the ILL Illume catalogue. If you need assistance, ask our staff for help, or fill out an interlibrary request form at the library.
How long does it take?
Interlibrary loans can take between two to four weeks depending on the response time, location and shipping mode of the lending library.
Can I renew my Interlibrary Loan?
No, except in exceptional circumstances, ILL loans are not renewable.
Need more information?
Please call our main number at (250) 537-4666