The Library offers free tech tutoring to library patrons. These 50 minute, one-on-one sessions take place in a library meeting room with a library volunteer skilled in tech issues including Windows, Mac, iPads, eReaders, Tablets, OverDrive/Libby and more.
You can sign up online, in person at the Library Information Desk, or by calling the library at 250-537-4666.
It is important to know:
- You must have a current SSIPL card to sign up for tech tutoring.
- You must sign up in advance for tech tutoring.
- You may sign up for a maximum of three tech-tutoring sessions per calendar year. This allows more patrons to take advantage of this popular library service.
When you sign up, you will be asked to provide:
- Library card number
- Contact information
- Tutoring topic of interest
Please remember to bring the following items for your tech tutoring session:
- List of issues to be covered during the session.
- Device, e.g., laptop, tablet, e-reader, AND the correct power cable.
- Passwords for all email accounts.
- Library card and account password if you have one.
- Adobe ID password if you have one.
- Any signup and password information that allows for new Microsoft apps.