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Art Events at the Library


If you are interested in having a month long exhibition of your art in the library program room or display case, please download, complete and send an Art Exhibition Proposal to the Library Art Coordinator

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014


Art Jam

June 13 – July 30, 2024

Original digital art by outsider artists Joseph Reville aka. CJ & Sherman Sherwood.


Medwyn McConachy: ContemplativeThreads

May 1 – June 8 2024

My intention is that these pieces invoke the essence of the natural environment in which I live, and embrace a traditional practice that supports slow art. I am interested in re-invigorating ways of being that embrace fluidity of time, reflection and ease. Slow, methodical contemplative stitches create threads of connection embodying my sense of place and timeless being.


Charles Breth

April 1 – 29, 2024

Local artist shows abstract paintings in acrylic on large scale panels.


Kaya Reiss:  Roman Portraits

March 1 – 29, 2024

It all started with a book called “Roman Portraits”, black and white photos of sculptures from the ancient Roman Empire. The sculptures ranged from first century BC to third century AD. Many were grooved or marked with age. I’ve always had a fascination with faces, and statues. I love being able to use my watercolour pens and markers to expressively attempt to capture the feeling of age, beauty and immortality that these images brought me. I love that all of these faces can now be brought together to sit in one space, regarding each other. What secretes would they speak?


Elaine Potter: Nature Marks

February 1 – 28, 2024

Potter’s work focuses on an exploration of the environment, the seasonal changes that shift the colour, line and texture of her garden, orchard, and the surrounding forest and ocean. Each work starts as marks and lines, shapes develop, colour, line and composition to bring out the mood of the painting. There are two different moods to the exhibition: #1 Colour and energetic movement, e.g. A summer garden. #2 subtle colour and line, e.g. A foggy garden.




Deck the Walls: Nature Prints

December 1 – 30, 2023

Salt Spring Printmakers Celebration & Sale.

Jason Newport

November 1 – 30, 2023

For this show I have been experimenting in doing different styles of art. I have chosen to focus on landscapes. Some of the inspiration for this show comes from photographs and other artists’ work. Some reflects my previous focus on an older time period. I have loved creating art since the age of five.

Bill Gardam art show poster

Bill Gardam

October 2 – 30, 2023

Visual and written works, photographs, paintings and drawings, poems and short essays. Some reflect Bill’s many years living on Salt Spring beside her forests and beaches, while others take us along on canoe trips and on sailing adventures in the Pacific Ocean. Many of the poems were written to be read at the open mic in this very room.

Wendy Wickland

September 1 – 30, 2023

Wendy has lived and worked on Salt Spring since 1980, teaching in elementary schools and, after retirement, drawing and painting!  These colourful and lively paintings are a fusion of collage and more traditional oil application.  Subjects emerge from an underpainting of acrylic dyed archival tissues and find their place on the canvas often to be enhanced by a top dressing of further collage.

PK Macdonald – Summer

August 1- 31, 2023

This exhibition entitled “Summer” focuses on a selected number of recent colourfield paintings by Patricia Macdonald. Through colour, they allude to the summer season. They are part of an ongoing body of work Macdonald has been working on in recent

Jeanne Lyons – Journeys: Paintings, Sculptures and Works on Paper

July 9 – 30

The pieces of work in this show are expressions of various journeys taken. When I begin a piece, sometimes I have a clear vision of what I want to create. Images can appear in my minds eye almost fully formed. Bringing it to fruition is the journey. Sometimes it may just be an inkling of a trail to follow. In many cases it is a step-by-step exploration with the path unfolding as I walk it, taking me to previously unexplored areas. My wish is that the pieces in this exhibit add to your journey in some way.

Kayla Isomura- The Suitcase Project

June 2 – July 7, 2023

Isomura’s multimedia exhibit brings us the experience and history of the Japanese Canadian community’s mass uprooting and internment in the 1940s in a personal way that we can feel and connect with.

Kayla Isomura is a Vancouver-based photographer currently exploring intergenerational trauma and racialized identity.


May 1 – 30

Art Works by the Draw the Line Art Collective:

  • Jose Campbell
  • Judy Fry
  • Maureen Milburn
  • Margarite Sanchez
  • Anette Schrage

Ramona Lam

April 1 – 28, 2023

Ramona Lam will exhibit her photography of 50 stunning women’

Howard Fry

March 1- 31, 2023

There are few pastimes I find more pleasurable than photographing people. This show includes portraits of family, friends and acquaintances all faces are intriguing, all inherently beautiful and all give subtle clues to the person behind the face.

Marilyn Walker

February 1 – 28, 2023

Marilyn Walker will exhibit her paintings and sculptures in the Community Program Room.


Steve Chrisholm

February 1 – 28, 2023

Steve will exhibit his art in the Community Program Room.



Pamela Thornley

December 1 – 29, 2022

My paintings have been inspired by my life & travels throughout the beautiful Gulf Islands and Vancouver Island. I wanted to capture the emotions that come to me from these places: the soft sea air, the warmth & colours of the sunshine. It is my hope that people will see & experience the natural world as I see it through my paintings and they honour what we still have.


Raised by the Sea: Painted with Tea

November 2 – 26, 2022

The art and photographs of the settler Tyrwhitt-Drake/Bridgman family. The exhibit focuses on the Salt Spring Island Archives’ collection of watercolours by Maud Lillian Bridgman. Her family’s art is also included to show the enduring influence of the island’s natural beauty to inspire rebel world views over six generations. Painters featured are Montague William Tyrwhitt Drake, Maud Lillian Tyrwhitt Drake, Montague Weaver Bridgman, Rosemary Maud Bridgman, Briony Penn, and Charlotte Penn, with artwork spanning from 1852 to 2022.


Shannon Wardroper: Doomscrolling – An Antidote

October 1 – 29, 2022

This exhibition is the culmination of Wardroper’s explorations and practice during the deep winter of covid isolation. Personal antidotes to tech overuse, for balance and resilience, supporting mental and physical health were important for us all. Reading, nature and creativity proved to be what especially provided buoyancy, hope and purchase against the slippery slopes of Doomscrolling for the artist, and are presented here in the work exhibited.

On the Rise: Amy Ebrahimian – Ultimatum of a Scattered World

September 3 – 27, 2022

Ultimatum of the Scattered World is a riveting yet tender art installation which aims to orient viewers towards hope and action in the current climate crisis. Amy Ebrahimian invokes themes of biodiversity, collaboration, connection, and clarity in chaos using painted mediums, mirrors, and plant seeds.

Salt Spring Printmakers – Impressions 7

July 2 – 30, 2022

Salt Spring Printmakers exhibit their work.

Brian Purcell

June 1 – 27, 2022

Brian Purcell has used black and white photography as a creative medium for many years. Capturing unique everyday scenes makes sense of the world we live in. Reflected light from all sources reveals the subtle tones of light and dark in these images. All photos are taken with film cameras processed and printed using readily available material.


Sheya Jordan – Heartivism

May 2 – 28, 2022

Sheya Jordan is a long time local self taught artist and animist who is always exploring. Much of her work is an act of magic, a response to the land and feelings of what needs to be painted to Life.


Peter Levitt

April 2-30, 2022

Poetry and art display in the library display case.


Rolando Lampitoc

April 2-30, 2022

Exhibition of prints, paintings and drawings by full time painter and printer Rolando Lampitoc.


Alexandra Aristera

March 2-31, 2022

An artists story to rewire her brain by using her left hand, her birth intended hand.


Sofia Jain-Schlaepfer -Earth Whispers

February 2-28, 2022

The rich web of interconnectedness seen in nature, has much to teach about the nature inside of us; in the ecologies of our community, body and psyche.
This theme is explored through poetry and painting in this exhibit.

The Art Connection – Making Scents

January 5-28, 2022

The ‘Art Connection’ is delighted to present a show of paintings interpreting the title “Making Scents”. While it could be a double-entendre it’s their way of presenting beauty and humour in the depths of winter. They also have work in the Show Case reflecting a greater diversity in our artistic and artisanal pursuits. Their participants meet every Monday at All Saints by the Sea Anglican Church 12noon-3pm.


Avril Kirby – Conversations with Thomas

December 1-30, 2021

An ongoing project exploring what happens when art and photography meet and melt together with a two-century, two-continent gap between great, great, great grandfather, Thomas Hastings and great, great, great granddaughter, Avril Kirby.

Salt Spring Textiles Group – On the Edge, A Planet in Crisis

November 1 –29, 2021

Our planet in crisis was upper most on all our minds when our group of ten textile artists gathered in the fall of 2019, before Covid was part of our everyday vocabulary.

Artists from the Fringe – Outsider Art Emerging

October 4-29, 2021

A group of 20 artists who attend the grassroots program called ART JAM.

Doug McMillin – Covid Faces

September 3 –29, 2021

Doug McMillin’s photo exhibit, Covid Faces. McMillin’s exhibit will focus on the eventful years of 2020 and 2021 while maintaining his distance.

The Art Connection

August 2 – 30, 2021

For the last 2 years a group of artists working in various mediums have come together every Monday afternoon at All Saints by the Sea Anglican Church (Lower Hall) to work together on their individual projects. These sessions are without instruction and over time they have come to celebrate the wonderful efforts, diversity and results they’ve had the pleasure to observe evolving from week to week.

Ramona Lam – 50 Women over 50

July 2 – 30, 2021

The photo showcase will feature photographs of women over 50 years old that Ramona Lam captured during a “model for a day adventure” in 2019.

Pierre Mineau – A Black & White Retrospective

June 1 – 28, 2021

The show will be a retrospective, and include works from his film period when he shot in 35mm, medium and large format as well as new creations from the digital era. A constant through his 50+ years of photography has been his love of shapes, texture and contrast to be found in natural subjects.

The Salt Spring Painters Guild Printmakers Group – Impressions 6

April 6 – April 30, 2021

New original prints by 15 artists will be available to view in both the Community Program Room and Display Case in the foyer of the library.
“In 2015 our group of printmakers started to come together once a month for informal ‘studio’ days. We have been inspiring and mentoring each other for the past 6 years.

Sue Earle – Binding The Ties That Break

February 2 – March 31, 2021

For many years, I enjoyed finding ties on my regular trips to thrift stores, as a theatre costumer. I washed, gutted and sorted them by colour and made one-of-a-kind vests from them.Twenty years on, I tried to sell the ties on the list, to no avail. Not wanting to waste them, I considered a suggestion to braid rugs, but weaving beckoned louder. Once I dove into the colours, appreciating their patterns and quality, I was hooked again. A perfect quarantine project – recycling ties into something useful. This exhibit was created with over 400 ties.


Tracey Cobane

December 2 2020 – January 30, 2021

Tracey Cobane’s Art Exhibit, Imagining with Wool will be displayed in the Community Program Room from Wednesday, December 2nd to Saturday January 30th.

Salt Spring Poems in Calligraphy

October 2-30, 2020

This exhibit is a collaboration between five SSI poets and four members of the local Calligraphy Group.

Pandemic Postcard Display

August 2020
Library Display Case

Salt Spring Islanders of all ages have submitted postcards depicting
their pandemic experience. There are drawings, stories, poems, and
collages. Come share their experiences. We’re all in this together.

Sue Kennedy

June 16-July 31, 2020

The artist explores the whimsical world of a circus under the sea as well as mythical worlds and imagined landscapes.

Brushstrokes & Bookshelves Art Show Anniversary Feb 2020

Brushstrokes & Bookshelves

February 1 – March 31

Library themed juried art show, part of the 60th anniversary event.


Wendy Taylor

October 1-30, 2019

A collection of mixed media, acrylic Northwest coast paintings, and etchings.

Charles Breth Paintings

September 3-30, 2019

Works are non-objective acrylic, featuring bold patterns, rich colours and geometric design.

Impressions 4

August 1-30, 2019

Salt Spring Island Painters Guild Printmakers Group.

Black and White Photography Exhibit

June 1-29, 2019

Salt Spring Island’s Group of 6 share their perspective on the parts of the world that they see in black and white.

Susan Gordon

May 1-31, 2019

A visual essay into the equine inspirations behind her 2015 book, The Compassionate Equestrian.

Timothy Gibbon

April 1-29, 2019


Faces - Draw the Line Art Collective

Draw the Line Art Collective

March 2-29, 2019

“Faces” paintings and drawings by artists dedicated to recording images of Salt Spring folk.

From Seed to Canvas

February 1 – March 1, 2019

Paintings by Margarite Sanches.

Lucky and the Inquisition

January 3 – 30, 2019

Paintings by Lucky McEachern and Jason Newport


Winter Art Show and Sale

December 1 – 20, 2018

Winter Art Sale featuring art generously donated by local Salt Spring artists.

Treasures Found

November 1 – 29, 2018

Historic Fine Arts & Crafts by Ruckles and Neighbours, Brenda Guiled, author of Ruckles’ World: a History of South-East Salt Spring Island, presents a PowerPoint to launch the month-long display of decorative and useful items made to enrich the lives of early south Salt Spring farmers and their kin.

Impressions 3

October 1 – 30, 2018

An Exhibition of New Prints from the Salt Spring Painters Guild’s Printmaking Group.


Doug McMillin – Transmutation & Fragmentation

September 1 – 29, 2018

socio-digital landscapes

Art Show August 2018

Island Textile Artists: Out of the Blue

August 1 – 30, 2018

Indigo, rust and Cyanoprints.

Art Show July 2018

Carol James: Coming and Going

July 1 – 28, 2018

An exhibit with metal and steel, showing the excitement of the steam engine from the past, people on the go, and movement on the water and in the air.

Art Talk - June 2018

Artists from the Fringe

June 1-29, 2018

A Journey into the Minds of the People under the Stairs.

Art Show - May 2018

Catherine Tam – Ink and Colours

May 4 – 30, 2018

Catherine Tam will discuss traditional Chinese brush painting.

Art Show - April 2018

Bob Fenske – Street Photography

April 1 – 29, 2018

Bob Fenske exhibits his street photography.

kristin shoolbraid

Kristin Shoolbraid

March 1 – 31, 2018

Multi-media artist Kristin invites you to an exhibition of artwork to be displayed in the Program Room of the Library.

forgotten females

Forgotten Females of Salt Spring Island

February 6 – 28, 2018

An exhibition featuring how four self-taught female artists, Florence Walter, Sophie King, Beryl Weatherell, and Gwen Ruckle, built community through their artistic practice. Curated by Regan Shrumm thorough the Salt Spring Arts Council’s Artist in Residence program.

Tebbutt Penhale

Kim Tebbutt & Sarah Penhale

January 2 – February 2, 2018

Learn about the steps it took Kim and Sarah to imagine, illustrate and self publish a children’s book.


Exhibit Poster

150 Days, 150 Volunteers, 150 Organizations

December 5 – 31, 2017

Volunteer and Community Resources wraps up Canada 150 with their exhibit. Come be inspired by examples of the various ways and reasons why people in our community volunteer.

Art Talk - Fighting for Justice Nov 2017

150 Years and Counting: Fighting for Justice on the Coast

November 1 – 30, 2017

For 150 years and more, First Nations, Asian Canadians and their allies have been fighting for justice on the Pacific Coast in the face of colonial dispossession and racist exclusions. This historical exhibition displays materials related to this on-going struggle and was developed by Faculty Researchers, Tusa Shea and Imogene Lim as part of the ACVI Project headed by Professor John Price of the University of Victoria.

Art Talk - October 2017

A Journey into the Minds of the Artists

October 2 – 31, 2017

Come to the reception and meet the artists from the fringes of Salt Spring society. Appreciate the hidden talents of this eclectic and authentic group. Last year’s art sold quickly at the reception, so come early for best selection. All proceeds will go directly to artists.

Art Talk - September 2017

Larry Melious – Off the Wall

September 1 – 29, 2017

A photographic show from a collection of images that hang on the walls of his house.  These images that carry him back to the place and light of that moment, mostly reflections of Salt Spring Island, but all of his time here on the Rock.

august art poster

Nikki Menard – Alchemy of the Soul

August 1 – 30, 2017

The exhibit includes mixed media, gelli plate, pen and ink watercolours and soul star paintings, which are on exhibit in August.

susan rogers poster

Susan Rogers

July 1 – 29, 2017

Susan Rogers is exhibiting her paintings during the month of July in the program room at the Salt Spring Library.  One visitor to the exhibit commented, ‘the paintings are exuberant!’ Another person added, “they sizzle like summer.” Come and find out more about the process behind these bold joyful paintings.


Julia Lucich

May 1 – 30, 2017

Julia Lucich’s paintings are on exhibit in May.

Art display runs May 1-30, Monday-Saturday 10am-5PM, Library Program Room

patricia brown

Patricia Brown

April 1 – 28, 2017

Patricia Brown’s paintings are on exhibit in the Program Room in April.

march art

Sibylle Rentschler

March 1 – 31, 2017

Sibylle Rentschler oil paintings are on exhibit in the Library Program Room March 1-31.


The Uprooting

February 1 – 27, 2017

The Japanese Garden Society presents a month-long commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the removal of all people of Japanese ancestry from the BC Coast.


Weston Abbott-Arcan

January 2 – 28, 2017

These works of art are created with ink, from my imagination and without pencil contours or grids. To warm up, generally I draw my favorite things – dragons and Buddhas. When I’ve completed an hour of that, I feel like I’m ready to delve into the drawing that I hope to fully complete which usually takes about 5 hours. The theme for the show generally revolves around the mystical, the symbolic and the afterlife. Once I’ve chosen the gods and creatures I want to portray, I create a fantastical afterlife environment for them to exist within, fulfilling my penchant for the subject.



Unearthed – Celia Meade

December 1 – 30, 2016

Sharing common of themes of transcendence and spirituality with her husband in both their works, Meade envisions the room filled with oil paintings, depicting trees, islands/coastlines, a car at dusk, and all the images that go along with her husband’s poems. The two together this night will be presenting as a pair both the art and the poems.


Day of the Dead

November 1 – 29, 2016

Local artist and photographer Bernadette Mertens-McAllister explores the idea of Death following the Mexican tradition, and in this work a touch of humour. However, beyond the use of the bright colors and cheerful compositions, Mertens-McAllister goes deep into the subject.  Facing the mystery of Death she invites the viewer to explore questions such as “How would you like to die?’ or “Is Death a gateway to the beyond or is it a transformation?” In this series, Bernadette has used a multimedia technique that she has developed over the years using acrylics and photos that are only her own.


First Impressions – SSI Painters Guild Printmakers

October 1 – 29, 2016

Printmaking can take many forms.
Wood and lino cut, silk screen, and
encaustic collograph and mono prints are a few of the types of original prints created by members of the SSI Painters Guild. This is the first show of their work.

September Art poster Korrison

Colour Story…Once More with Feeling

September 1 – 30, 2016

Margie Korrison has lived on Salt Spring for over 4 decades building, supporting and contributing to the growing vibrant arts community. Her work as an abstract painter is integrated with her personal life and her love for this special place.  Her painting are in collections in Canada, US, and overseas.

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Iridescent: Above and Below

August 1 – 30, 2016
Local artist Susan Gordon and Doug Wahlsten kick off a month long art exhibit of a collection of photos from their book, The Iridescent Silence of the Pacific Shores, and new paintings of light and spirit by Gordon.

Art Talk - July 2016 3

Artists from the Fringe – A Journey into the Minds of the People Under the Stairs

July 5 – 30, 2016
You’ve seen them on the street, you’ve seen them in the park. Now take a moment to see inside their hearts. Over the winter months we have shared music, poetry, art, thoughts, and wisdom through a drop-in program at the United Church. Now it is our pleasure to share this with you. Please come, browse and enjoy the hidden talents from the fringes of Salt Spring society!

Art Talk - Expressions June 2016

Expressions of Childhood Memories – An Intergenerational Art Project

June 1 – 30, 2016
This monthly exhibit features artists from Salt Spring Elementary and residents of Greenwoods and Braehaven. After interviewing each other about their childhood memories, they learned about each other and how their childhoods differed and/or were similar. Then they drew images onto canvasses about these memories
and painted them, some adding text and collage.

Art Talk - Clayden May 2016

Contemplations on Nature and Spirit

May 1 – 31, 2016
Mandala and Abstract Paintings by
Dara Clayden.
Each piece portrays intricate detail through the medium of gouache paint (opaque watercolour) and small, fine brushes. His work draws upon inner reflection, wilderness exploration, receptivity, improvisation, focused attention and playfulness.


Terra Incognita

April 2 – 30, 2016
“Terra Incognita”, a reception/talk by Richard York introducing his April library exhibit.  York will share his thoughts about his exploration of “sense of place” in his new-found home, using his chosen medium of woodblock printing.  This landscape series, created in his Fulford studio during the past five years, includes prints which have found their way into private collections around the globe.


Across the River

March 1 – 31, 2016
An art installation bridging the creative processes of writing and visual art, created by local artist Anna Gustafson.  ‘Specimens’ present a window into the writing processes of over 20  Salt Spring writers, including Arthur Black, Brian Brett, Deborah Campbell, Michele Dunkerley, Robert Hilles, C.C. Humphreys, Connie Kuhns,  Peter Levitt, Derek Lundy, Patrick Taylor, and Ronald Wright.


Abstract Explorations – An Exhibit of Paintings and Photo Collages

February 1 – 29, 2016
Acrylic paintings and photo collages by Phyllis Webb are the surprising late-life creations of this well-known Canadian poet and Salt Spring Islander. Colourful, sometimes puzzling, and mainly
abstract, these works feel at home in the Library’s generous gallery space. Webb’s books of poetry and essay collections are also on display.


The Colour of Sound – Exploring Synesthesia

January 2 – 30, 2016
Salt Spring artists Frank Huether and Sandra Charge explore how music can guide the artist’s brush strokes.  Whether it is the connection of music to colour or the provocation of music to emotion and movement, there is an underlying energy in sound that permeates into the senses.


Art Talk - Dec 2015 Fry 18 x 24

Howard Fry
Vanishing  Landmarks: Photos of a BC Pioneering Heritage

December 2 – 30

Art reception featuring photographer Howard Fry who will be present to discuss when he embarked on an aesthetic exploration of historic BC farmscapes in the 1970’s. His motivation was kindled by both a nostalgia for the stark world of the Yorkshire moors and a respect for the hope and determination of the pioneering peoples of BC.  The old barns and farm structures shown in this exhibition were rapidly disappearing and he was moved to record the rugged, iconic beauty of an abandoned, heroic way of life.

Art programs Grace Islet Nov 2015 5 18 x 24

Stories of Grace Islet

November 1 -30

Stories of Grace Islet exhibit opening with a talk by Joe Akerman, other speakers and songs.

An exhibit of artwork, images and text recording the protection of a sacred burial ground in Ganges Harbour.

Art Talk - Charcoal Oct 2015 18 x 24

Fuel – The Charcoal Project

October 1 -31

An exhibition of work by GISS students and Salt Spring artists that incorporates charcoal excavated from 100 year-old kilns on Salt Spring Island.
Also included are photographs of the kiln excavation project and information about this legacy left by early Japanese settlers.

for rhiannon poster2

For RhiAnnon… – Greg Klassen

Art Talk: October 11th, 2:00 – 3:30 pm

A new photo-based exhibit by Greg Klassen. The full title of this project is “For Rhiannon, who reminds me every day of the importance of recognizing the relationship between reality and imagination”.  Exhibition is outside the library September 25 – October 24.


Art Talk - Brownridge Sept 2015 18 x 24

Bill Brownridge

September 1 -30

A reading by Bill Brownridge, author of four Canadian classic children’s books (The Moccasin Goalie) relating to hockey and “Tracking the Iron Horse” – a tribute to railway pioneers. His paintings are available in three Canadian galleries, and the U.S. Olympic Centre in Colorado. He has exhibited in Toronto’s Hockey Hall of Fame, and appeared in newspapers across Canada, in magazines, and on CBC Radio and CBC TV. His works were also commissioned as a part of Calgary’s winning presentation to the International Olympic Committee for the 1988 Olympics.

stefanie denz

Stefanie Denz

August 1 -31

Hear Stefanie Denz’ talk on “Women in my paintings; narratives of discovery within covert spaces”.

The Salt Spring artist will discuss her paintings as intellectual and emotional examinations of relationships, focusing on women in their daily interactions. The work in the exhibit dramatizes situations of women negotiating their desires within and through their many roles in society.

 Art Talk - Mardi Mob July 2015 18 x 24

Portrait Reception: The Mardi Mob

June 30-August 1

Join the Mardi Mob for the opening of their portrait exhibit. For many years this group have been getting together to paint portraits of islanders. You will see how each artist uses their chosen medium to express their own approach to the art of portraiture. This exhibit includes oil, charcoal, pastel and pencil works done by the eight members of the Mardi Mob: Sylvia Andrews, Rosamonde Dupuy, Nixe Gerbiz, Judy Fry, Maureen Milburn, Diana Morris, Margarite Sanchez, and Susan Rogers.

Art Talk - June 2015 18 x 24 3

Writers of the Square Table

June 1-30

A show of writings and artwork which is the culmination of Let’s Get ExperiMental, a project whose aim is to strengthen the social and emotional health of youth through intergenerational workshops in creative writing and multi-media storytelling, the anthology to be published later this year.


Orca Chief

May 6, 6pm

Join artist Roy Henry Vickers & author Lucky Budd for an evening of storytelling and art, to celebrate the third installment in the bestselling Northwest Coast Legends series. Orca Chief shares an ancient fable about respecting our oceans.

Art Talk - Illuminate May 2015 18 x 24

Artisan Series:  Illuminate

May 4-30, 10am –  5pm

The word “illustration” comes from the latin words “illustra’tio, illu’stro” meaning enlighten, irradiate, illuminate.

Salt Spring is home to some amazing illustrators! Find wonderful examples of their work including sketches and working drawings in the library program room during the month of May.

interpretations ii - jpg version

League 181: Interpretations II

April 1-30

Five artists from the painters group League 181, an established group of experienced painters, presents an exhibition of new works that compare and contrast the range of interpretations each artist made of the same subject.

The current show  in the library program room running from April 1 to 30 with a public talk on April 8 at 6:00 pm illustrates the diversity of work emerging from round two.

League 181 members in this exhibition are: Peter Eyles, Don Hodgins, Herb Otto, Wendy Wickland, Dulcy Wilson


The Gathering: A Presentation of Art Glass on Salt Spring Island

March 2 – 31

Come and discover the creative cousins of the common drinking glass, serving bowl and window pane that are the essence of contemporary art glass. This presentation by local glass artist Bob Leatherbarrow showcases the wide range of techniques used to design and create with glass by highlighting exciting work by Salt Spring glass artists.

Art Talk - Crawford display 18 x 24

Risk and Reward – Ron Crawford

Feb. 1-28

Ronald T. Crawford’s artwork reflects both the theoretical and physical aspects of his life. His multifaceted work is the result of the blending of contemporary painting concerns with the earthy spiritualism of stone.

Interpretive photographs by David Borrowman, Eric Klemm, Sam Lightman and Theresa Mackey of these intriguing and engaging “Babas”, a sculptural installation at Salt Spring’s Stonehouse Bed and Breakfast, will be in the program room for the month of February.




Art Talk - Dec 2014

Community Knit-in Event

Dec 1-31, 2014
Mon-Sat, 10am – 5pm

Warm up in the Program Room at the library with our December feature – an exhibition of intricate and inspiring knitting by some Salt Spring knitters of note.

Salish Sea Art Talk - Nov 2014

Impressions of the Salish Sea

Nov 3-28, 2014
Mon-Sat, 10am – 5pm

The environs surrounding the Salish Sea are a crucible of creativity. See how artists working in a variety of media interpret their surroundings and incorporate them into their art.

Art Talk - Avison Oct 2014-1200

Jack Avison Watercolours

Oct 1-31, 2014
Mon-Sat, 10am – 5pm

Join us for a celebration of his life on October 3rd from 4-7pm.

This is a special opportunity to also view his portfolios, share stories and hear Martin Herbert remember Jack, a found member of the Salt Spring painters guild and treasured resident of Salt Spring.

Talking Pictures, Painting Words

Talking Pictures, Painting Words

Aug 14, 2014 – 7pm

Put together an artist who loves words and a writer who thinks in imagery and the conversation is bound to be lively!

Local author Kathy Page and visiting artist Carole Miles have a long history of collaboration and will talk about how words and images come together in Carole’s rich and diverse body of work.

Carole’s illustrations for Kathy’s short story ‘Of Paradise’ are on display in the Library Program Room August 1 – 29.